Grounding: Reconnecting with Earth’s Energy

Have you heard of Grounding? Did you know it is backed by scientific research? Go hug a tree! It's good for you.

1/3/20232 min read

Simple Changes massage in Saginaw Michigan offers massage with a holistic perspective.
Simple Changes massage in Saginaw Michigan offers massage with a holistic perspective.

Grounding is more than just a pleasant sensation—it’s a practice rooted in science. Samantha intuitively understands that our bodies thrive when electrically connected to the Earth. Here’s why:

  1. The Electrical Connection: Our bodies are bioelectrical systems. Cells communicate through electrical signals. When we disconnect from the Earth—thanks to rubber-soled shoes, insulated buildings, and modern lifestyles—we miss out on a vital connection.

  2. The Earth’s Electrons: The Earth carries a negative charge, and its surface is abundant with free electrons. These electrons act as natural antioxidants, neutralizing harmful free radicals in our bodies. Think of them as nature’s healing agents.

  3. How Grounding Works:

    • Walking Barefoot: When you walk barefoot on grass, sand, or soil, your skin directly touches the Earth. Electrons flow from the Earth into your body, balancing charge and reducing inflammation.

    • Hugging Trees: Trees, too, are grounded. Their roots extend deep into the Earth, channeling its energy. When you hug a tree, you absorb some of this grounding energy.

    • Feet Firmly Planted: Even sitting with your feet on the ground—whether on a park bench or your backyard—allows electrons to flow through your body.

Scientific Evidence for Grounding:

  1. Reduced Inflammation:

    • Preliminary studies suggest that grounding may reduce inflammation. When electrons enter our bodies, they neutralize positively charged molecules involved in inflammation.

    • Source: 1,2

  2. Improved Sleep:

    • Grounding has been linked to better sleep quality. It helps regulate cortisol levels, promoting restful sleep.

    • Source: 3

  3. Enhanced Blood Flow:

    • Grounding improves blood viscosity and circulation. Electrons may help prevent blood clumping, reducing the risk of cardiovascular issues.

    • Source: 1

  4. Stress Reduction:

    • Connecting with the Earth calms the nervous system. It lowers cortisol (the stress hormone) and promotes relaxation.

    • Source: 2

  5. Vitality Boost:

    • Grounding replenishes energy. Imagine it as recharging your internal battery.

    • Source: 1

How to Ground Yourself:

  1. Go Barefoot: Whenever possible, kick off your shoes and feel the Earth beneath your feet.

  2. Nature Connection: Spend time in green spaces—parks, forests, or your garden.

  3. Hug a Tree: Yes, it’s more than a metaphor. Trees share their grounding energy generously.

  4. Grounding Mats: These specially designed mats allow indoor grounding.

  5. Mindful Sitting: Sit on the ground during picnics or meditation.

Remember, grounding isn’t mystical; it’s a tangible way to restore balance. So, kick off your shoes, embrace the Earth, and let its electrons dance within you. 🌿🌎


  1. Chevalier, G., Sinatra, S. T., Oschman, J. L., Sokal, K., & Sokal, P. (2012). Journal of Environmental and Public Health.

  2. Oschman, J. L., Chevalier, G., & Brown, R. (2015). Journal of Inflammation Research.

  3. Ghaly, M., & Teplitz, D. (2004). The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

Simple Changes massage in Saginaw Michigan offers massage with a holistic perspective.
Simple Changes massage in Saginaw Michigan offers massage with a holistic perspective.